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Big Dick Athletes. Who are some of the athletes out there who are known to have a big dick. Among the ones I've heard are. Jim Thome John Rocker Brett Favre Adam Dunn Scott Elarton Jeff Bagwell Craig Biggio Ray Lewis John Le. Clair (Heard there was an impressive video of him out there) Donnie Saddler.
Anyone else have info? Anonymousreply 4. Oh, joy. It's the chronically masturbating armchair jock again, with his pathetic list again, and soon his pathetic fake porn posts about having sex with pro jocks.. Anonymousreply 1. I heard that Secretariat was hung like a horse! Anonymousreply 2. Not true R2, and I'm the dame who can prove it!
Anonymousreply 3. Thank God that Matt Clement troll is gone. The Boston Red Sox reported that head case Matt . So I hear.. by Anonymousreply 1. John Rocker. by Anonymousreply 1. Catalyst Install Msi Service Failure Causes there. Ray Lewis? Probably measured from his sphincter. Anonymousreply 1.
Greg Madduxby Anonymousreply 1. Thome's nickname is the Anaconda. Back a few years ago, there were some pix of Gabe Kapler in some very tight, revealing workout shorts, one pair maroon, another yellow, and they revealed everything, and it was no more than average. Le. Clair? I want to see it.
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Anonymousreply 1. You guys haven't even posted the best thing about Jim Thome.

It ain't the fact that he is big, but the fact that he is uncircumcised! Anonymousreply 1. The John Leclair thing was when I was still in college a Sophmore so it was about eight years ago. Besides me there were a few other people here who have seen the video and clips so it does exist. I remember reading that story on Bulge Report a long time ago. However, Bulge Report is notoriously bogus. That 1. 00 top bulges thing they had was utter bullshit.
One report said Derek Jeter was big, another said he was small, another said he was cut, and yet another said he was uncut. Le. Clair vid already. Or at least a cap.
Anonymousreply 2. Is anyone old enough to remember Wilt Chaimberlain, the basketball player. He was shaking it and it was HUGE! I think he liked that I was staring, because he shaked it way longer then he had to, then pulled on it a few times and he got semi hard. All of a sudden he bolted. Anonymousreply 3.
Probably measured from his sphincter. Even some of the biggest dicks I've seen aren't 1. A select few may have a 1. Anonymousreply 3. R3. 0, I heard that Burrell has tinymeat, unfortunately. Anonymousreply 3. And then you woke up, R3.
Anonymousreply 3. Even some of the biggest dicks I've seen aren't 1. A select few may have a 1. There are probably a handful of men on earth who have dicks that big, and I'm talking about hard, not soft which matters little anyway. Ask any urologist or other expert, once you get above 1. WHAT SELF HATING QUEEN PUT HIM ON THE LIST? HOW WOULD YOU KNOW ANYWAY?
Anonymousreply 3. John Rocker is hot to death! Anonymousreply 3. Check these guys out..
Anonymousreply 4. SEE R3. 9 A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF SELF HATEby Anonymousreply 4. Pudge Rodriguez. by Anonymousreply 4. I've been a fan of John Leclairs since High School and the Legion of Doom days. Aikman is hung. by Anonymousreply 4. R2. 9, I disagree. You can tell he's not.
I've seen him out and about. He looks average length - and I'd take every inch of it. Anonymousreply 4. The stories about Rocker sound about right.
There are plenty of stories about him when he was with the Braves, he would always walk around naked in the locker room when the press was there, or drop his towel while bein interviewed to see what kind of reaction he'd get. He's a hunk of homphobic, racist man beef.. Unfortunately, most of these guys are retired; and this is all hearsy, but still interesting info. Jim Thome, Uncut JT Snow, Uncut Kevin Elster cut Mickey Tettleton, Uncut Troy Percival, Cut Steve Sax, Thick Floppy Flaccid Uncut. Chuck Finley, Kevin Elster, Dennis Springer, Scott Erickson, JT Snow, especially. Anonymousreply 5. R5. 6, isn't Messier remoured to be bi?
Anonymousreply 5. WHAT ABOUT DAVID WRIGHT? You don't know jackshit, and that's why you're trying to tease us.
If you don't have anything to contribute, STFU! Anonymousreply 6.
Anonymousreply 6. R6. 4 is the Matt Clement troll.
Anonymousreply 6. Ha ha. by Anonymousreply 6. Probably measured from his sphincter? Nice try though. by Anonymousreply 7. R7. 1, he is also rumored to be uncut. Anonymousreply 7.
I've heard of a few people claiming to be gay sports photographers, but they've always teased and teased, saying they'd share pix, but never, ever did. Come on, if 1. 0% of the population is gay, then, yeah, there's bound to be some gay sports photographers. Anonymousreply 7.
I believe Nagy is originally from Hungary, or of Hungarian descent, as I heard something said about him attending a state dinner with the president of Hungary, so that would make sense him being uncut. Anonymousreply 7. Nagy now lives between San Diego and L. A. Now follow the bouncing balls! Anonymousreply 8. John Rocker pls. by Anonymousreply 8. Never heard anything about Lowell, save for the fact that he had a bout with Testicular Cancer a few years ago.
He is very hot, though. A couple of players that I heard had small ones were Hank Blalock, and Richie Sexson. I understand Blalock dropped trou while drunk at some Celebrity Poker thing, and everyone was laughing at . Kinda cute, but not outrageously hot, IMO. Anonymousreply 8. Jim Thome is big. Not huge, but is pretty big.
I know a girl who sucked it, said it was about 7 or so. Didn't say anything about uncut or cut though. Anonymousreply 8.
Thanks r. 83, there's something about him that makes me believe that he would be a guy who would have a big cock, and I think that he's sexy as hell. Anonymousreply 8. Yeah, I know what you mean. To hear him speak, he does have a confident reserve about him that is hot.
Not necessarily my . Why would you jack off to him? Anonymousreply 8. German soccer player Michael Ballack is seriously hung.
He's played for the cubs padres and red sox. He gets traded every couple years because he sucks so bad. Someone posted that he had a big dick, and it just took off from there. I don't see the attraction, and I don't see big dick thing.
I'd take Jim Thome, who isn't exactly conventionally handsome, but there's something hot about him anyways, over Matt Clement any day. Hell, I'd even take Charlie Nagy over him. Anonymousreply 9. Now Roger Clemens, that's a different story r.
Anonymousreply 9. Clemens is a punk. Is he well endowed? If not, than this is the wrong thread. Someone needs to make a thread for who you'd do in MLB.
Anonymousreply 9. What about some of the Nascar drivers. Kevin Harvick, Tony Stewart, Mark Martin? I remember hearing something about Dale Earnhardt, JR. I'd heard the gay rumors, which btw, piss him off to no end, but I'd never heard he was well endowed. Hmm. by Anonymousreply 1.
So where the hell is this John Le. Clare pool vidio? I wanna see it. by Anonymousreply 1. I serviced Sandy Koufax a few years ago and he's average built, but he does shoot a heavy load. Anonymousreply 1. Anonymousreply 1.
Ernie Els has a nice fat dick, about 6. Would have loved to have been in that position. Anonymousreply 1. Anonymousreply 1.
Sandy Koufax was caught in the parking lot of a boarded up KMart with his lips wrapped around a guys penis. Anonymousreply 1. The entire NBA. People are going to say dumb stuff like that.
Just take it in stride, or do like R1. Anonymousreply 1. The problem with posters like r. Ahole like r. 12. Anonymousreply 1. R1. 29 must have a major thing for John Le.
Clair and snaps at anyone who doesn't agree with him. Which I can completely understand, but, I don't think it's necessary to go off like he did. If you're that easily offended, you shouldn't be reading datalounge. Anonymousreply 1. R1. 29 sounds like someone who should seek therapy for his frustrations before they become a major problem. Anonymousreply 1.
Shirtless John Rocker with his Big Batby Anonymousreply 1. John Rocker with Gay Face and Gay Shirt : -)by Anonymousreply 1. John Rocker is a nasty Homophobe, who apparently isn't all that well endowed.