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A correspondence law school is a school that offers legal education by distance education, either by correspondence or online by use of the internet, or a combination.

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  • A case study is a report about a person, group, or situation that has not been studied. If the case study, for instance, is about a group, it describes the behavior.

General and Comparative Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Books and Articles This section includes general and comparative research in counselling and psychotherapy, including research on effectiveness and efficacy. Theory and Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy. General and Comparative. Asay, T. P. Lambert (1. The Empirical Case for the Common Factors in Therapy: Quantitative Findings', in Hubble et al.

This page provides an annotated, topic-based collection of available resources for statistics, statistical graphics, and computation related to research, data.

Around 4. 4% of clients specifically valued a cognitive type of empathic response, whereby the therapist indicates an understanding of the client's subjective state or motivation. About 3. 0% valued an affective- tyle response, whereby the therapist indicates they are themselves participating in the same feeling the client is expressing.

Finally, about one quarter took empathy to be either a sharing of personal information via relevant self- disclosure or the offering of a particularly nurturing or supportive response. Bottom line: there is no one form of empathy, and what is an effective style of empathic response for one client may not be empathy at all for another client. Bachelor, A. Horvath (1. The Therapeutic Relationship', in Hubble et al. My only complaint is that the chapter wasn't longer! Also see Tallman and Bohart (1. Barkham, M. The overview is split into two halves, with one covering international research and the other focusing specifically on Britain.

The bibliography is very comprehensive. Bergin, A. E. Garfield, eds. New York: Wiley. While tracing research developments gradually as individual papers appear remains an important part of being well- informed about the field, the meta- analyses offered in this massive volume provide a very efficient entree into the research literature and a simple way of understanding the primary themes and tentative conclusions emerging from empirical research across the world. One area of particular interest given current debates on professional accreditation is that on counsellor experience, and here the book will make sobering reading for anyone who believes that accreditation schemes, degrees, years of experience, or particulars of theoretical orientation offer any assurance at all of therapeutic effectiveness. Empirical evidence fails to offer any clear support for these beliefs.

Lambert and Bergin in this volume.) Few could argue that the empirical evidence about the effectiveness of counselling and psychotherapy remains seriously incomplete, but nonetheless it is something, and at this point the empirical data cast a very harsh light on the claims of partisans of accreditation and exponents of particular schools of counselling thought. Given the currently available evidence, such claims are best understood as expressions of faith, not statements grounded in the empirical substance of science. Debate over the merits of accreditation- type schemes is exceedingly heated, but for one view in favour of quite heavy regulation, see chapter 6 of Syme (1. Mowbray (1. 99. 5). Of course, there is much much more of interest in this volume than this particular area! Beutler, L. E.; P.

P. P. Machado and S. Allstetter Neufeldt (1.

Therapist Variables', in Bergin and Garfield (1. Also see Lambert and Bergin (1. Bordin, E. S. This view is used as a framework in Dryden's (1. Christensen, A. Jacobson (1.

Who (Or What) Can Do Psychotherapy: The Status and Challenge of Nonprofessional Therapies', Psychological Science 5: 8- 1. Moreover, empirical evidence fails to support the view that more experienced therapists are more effective. Consumer Reports (1. Mental Health: Does Therapy Help?', Consumer Reports (November): 7. See Seligman (1. 99.

Crouch, A. London: Sage. It's a fictional account of counselling written from the inside out, as it were. While it does include discussions, and questions to ponder, most of the volume involves case studies or therapeutic exchanges or journal extracts, often explicitly incorporating details of what given characters are thinking. This book is more full of genuine reflections from the author, and more likely to provoke the reader to ponder and reflect, than almost any book on counselling I have encountered.

It's probably best read any time after about halfway through a counselling training course, including after decades of experience. Dryden, W. Milton Keynes: Open University Press. The 1. 99. 0 edition is notable for its inclusion of the comparative essay (Dryden 1. Dryden, W. The chapter provides a very succinct comparison of several different approches to counselling and psychotherapy in terms of Bordin's (1. Because it is based on interviews with individual authors, the comparison may be somewhat coloured by particular features of those individual authors' views about their fields, but nonetheless the comparison provides a valuable starting point from which more detailed explorations could be undertaken. Dryden, W., ed. London: Sage. Covering history, theory, primary client set and strengths and weaknesses for each of thirteen different approaches, the book is an excellent starting point for exploring different schools of thought in more detail.

Students interested in an explicit comparison of different approaches should consult the second edition, since the relevant chapter (Dryden 1. Compare also Feltham and Horton (2. Eysenck, H. J. Although later shown very convincingly to be methodologically flawed, the study helped mobilize an army of researchers to investigate therapeutic effectiveness more carefully, an undertaking which continues unabated. Vlc Media Player 2 0 6 Setup Key Rare there. Feltham, C., ed. London: Sage. This book is reviewed separately at Counselling.

Resource. com. Feltham, C. Horton, eds. London: Sage.

The book also includes a section on current trends and critiques. While the treatment of specific approaches to counselling and psychotherapy is markedly less comprehensive than Dryden (2. Greenberg, L. S. Pinsof, eds. London: Guildford Press. New York: Pergamon. The newer Bergin and Garfield (1.

Bible' of recent research. Hubble, M.; B. L. Duncan and S. D. Miller, eds. Washington, D. C.: American Psychological Association.

This book is reviewed separately at Counselling. Resource. com. Jacobson, N. London: Penguin. And while the book aims to explore a range of different approaches even- handedly, it is plainly written from the perspective of a psychoanalyst; those from other approaches may find Kovel's critiques a little exasperating at times. But it is exactly for this kind of reason that the book is worth picking up: the mix of psychoanalytic critiques, interludes on Marxism and the political milieu of the 1.

In other words, the mere fact that there is so much to disagree with, so much to identify as outmoded, so much to struggle to understand, makes it worth a quick read! Krupnick, J. L. As they put it, . Kutash, I. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass. It includes many case examples to illustrate the approaches in practice.

Lambert, M. J. See Hubble et al. Bergin (1. 99. 4) 'The Effectiveness of Psychotherapy', in Bergin and Garfield (1. While very rich in information, one item of particular note is the clear finding that . The authors suggest several alternative explanations for the . Unfortunately, current evidence does not permit these explanations (or some other) to be distinguished.

Of particular interest to the person- centred approach is the observation that . Finally, the authors' observations about the importance of individual therapist quality are notable; in several studies and meta- analyses, individual therapist effects accounted for a very large portion of outcome variance - - in other words, the abilities of individual therapists turned out to be more important than most other factors (including their theoretical orientation). While the evidence remains too thin on the ground to draw strong conclusions directly from the data, it is not at all far- fetched to say there is little to suggest that particular therapies are more effective, only that particular therapists are more effective. Luborsky, L.; B. Singer and L.