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Need For Speed, Version 2. Ghost Games and published by Electronic Arts. The game goes back to its beginnings based on the remarks of it’s fans and the studio has succeeded to recreate the atmosphere of the first games in the series from which it derives its success. Ghost Games has designed a large map, inspired in part by Los Angeles, a tortuous city, richly decorated which you can leave at will to go squealing your tires in local hills, drifting in sessions that will remind many Need For Speed Carbon.
The latter has also been a major inspiration of the title and it shows when we realize the importance of drift in the game. What is certain is that this new city is frankly very nice and it allows you the pleasure to drive faster than 2. Another innovation concerns the history and missions of races given by actors, for realism even when the interaction with the different protagonists.
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This realism is also found in the sets and cars, giving their appearance ” kinematics “. The game itself will be based on a principle of points to win in five disciplines, ranging from driving and the lack of respect for the police and characterize by the way you play. Regarding the pure conduct, the developers have provided a choice of conduct “drift” or “grip”, whether for frenzied excesses or driving in pure speed, there’s something for everyone. Moreover, a lot of work has been provided at the tuning (which is one of the disciplines and not without reason) as the possibilities were pushed to the extreme for your enjoyment of having the car of your dreams. A title that comes with wisdom to it’s deserved success from the start and benefiting from the experience of its elders to fulfill the wishes of it’s fans, it’s time to move on to the race without hesitation. Minimum System Requirements: OS: Windows 7(6. CPU: Intel Core i.

RAM: 6 GBHDD: 3. 0 GBGPU: NVIDIA Ge. Force GTX 7. 50 Ti, AMD Radeon HD 7.
Direct. X: Direct. X 1. 1Recommended System Requirements: OS: Windows 7(6.
CPU: Intel Core i. RAM: 8 GBHDD: 3. 0 GBGPU: NVIDIA Ge. Force GTX 9. 70, AMD Radeon R9 2.
Direct. X: Direct.