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Yanomami - Wikipedia. The Yanomami, also spelled Y.

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The term Sanum. Other denominations applied to the Yanomami include Waika or Waica, Guiaca, Shiriana, Shirishana, Guaharibo or Guajaribo, Yanoama, Ninam, and Xamatari or Shamatari. Diez wrote: By interlocution of an Uramanavi Indian, I asked Chief Yoni if he had navigated by the Orinoco to its headwaters; he replied yes, and that he had gone to make war against the Guaharibo . This meant the opening of a stretch of perimeter road (1. Yanomami. During the same period, the Amazonian resources survey project RADAM (1.

This triggered a progressive movement of gold prospectors, which after 1. Hundreds of clandestine runways were opened by gold miners in the major tributaries of the Branco River between 1.

The number of gold miners in the Yanomami area of Roraima was then estimated at 3. Although the intensity of this gold rush has subsided a lot since 1. Yanomami land, spreading violence and serious health and social problems.

In 1. 97. 8 the Pro- Yanomami Commission (CCPY) was established. Originally named the Commission for the Creation of a Yanomami Park, it is a Brazilian non- governmentalnonprofit organization dedicated to the defense of the territorial, cultural and civil and political rights of the Yanomami. CCPY devoted itself to a long national and international campaign to inform and sensitize public opinion and put pressure on the Brazilian Government to demarcate an area suited to the needs of the Yanomami. After 1. 3 years the Yanomami indigenous land was officially demarcated in 1. States of Roraima and Amazonas.

Yanomami communities are grouped together because they have a similarage, kinship, and militaristic coalitions interweave communities together. The Yanomami have common historical ties to Carib speakers who resided near the Orinoco river and moved to the highlands of Brazil and Venezuela, the location the Yanomami currently occupy. A tuxawa (headman) acts as the leader of each village, but no one leader presides over the whole of those classified as Yanomami.

Headmen gain political power by demonstrating skill in settling disputes both within the village and with neighbouring communities. A consensus of mature males is usually required for action that involves the community, but individuals are not required to take part. Village sizes vary, but usually contain between 5. In this largely communal system, the entire village lives under a common roof called the shabono. Shabonos have a characteristic oval shape, with open grounds in the centre measuring an average of 1.

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The shabono shelter constitutes the perimeter of the village, if it has not been fortified with palisades. Adobe Illustrator Serial Numbers Cs6 Tutorials. Under the roof, divisions exist marked only by support posts, partitioning individual houses and spaces. Shabonos are built from raw materials from the surrounding rainforest, such as leaves, vines, and tree trunks. They are susceptible to heavy damage from rains, winds, and insect infestation.

As a result, new shabonos are constructed every 4 to 6 years. The Yanomami can be classified as foraging horticulturalists, depending heavily on rainforest resources; they use slash- and- burnhorticulture, grow bananas, gather fruit, and hunt animals and fish. Yanomami frequently move to avoid areas that become overused, a practice known as shifting cultivation when the soil becomes exhausted. Speed Keanu Reeves Torrent Ita 2015 more.

Polygamous families consist of a large patrifocal family unit based on one man, and smaller matrifocal subfamilies: each woman's family unit, composed of the woman and her children. Life in the village is centered around the small, matrilocal family unit, whereas the larger patrilocal unit has more political importance beyond the village. The Yanomami are known as hunters, fishers, and horticulturists. The women cultivate cooking plantains and cassava in gardens as their main crops. Men do the heavy work of clearing areas of forest for the gardens.

Another food source for the Yanomami is grubs. The traditional Yanomami diet is very low in edible salt. Their blood pressure is characteristically among the lowest of any demographic group.

The Yanomami celebrate a good harvest with a big feast to which nearby villages are invited. The Yanomami village members gather large amounts of food, which helps to maintain good relations with their neighbours. They also decorate their bodies with feathers and flowers. During the feast, the Yanomami eat a lot, and the women dance and sing late into the night. Hallucinogens or entheogens, known as yakoana or ebene, are used by Yanomami shamans as part of healing rituals for members of the community who are ill.

Yakoana, also refers to the tree from which it is derived, Virola elongata. Yopo, derived from a different plant with hallucinogenic effects (Anadenanthera peregrina), is usually cultivated in the garden by the shaman. The Xamatari also mix the powdered bark of Virola elongata with the powdered seeds of yopo to create the drug ebene. The drugs facilitate communication with the hekura, spirits that are believed to govern many aspects of the physical world. Women do not engage in this practice, known as shapuri. The ashes are then mixed with a kind of soup made from bananas which is consumed by the entire community. The ashes may be preserved in a gourd and the ritual repeated annually until the ashes are gone.

In daily conversation, no reference may be made to a dead person except on the annual . This tradition is meant to strengthen the Yanomami people and keep the spirit of that individual alive. The women are responsible for many domestic duties and chores, excluding hunting and killing game for food.

Although the women do not hunt, they do work in the gardens and gather fruits, tubers, nuts and other wild foodstuffs. The garden plots are sectioned off by family, and grow bananas, plantains, sugarcane, mangoes, sweet potatoes, papayas, cassava, maize, and other crops. Women are expected to carry 7. The women also pursue frogs, terrestrial crabs, or caterpillars, or even look for vines that can be woven into baskets. While some women gather these small sources of food, other women go off and fish for several hours during the day. Boys typically become the responsibility of the male members of the community after about age 8. Using small strings of bark and roots, Yanomami women weave and decorate baskets.

They use these baskets to carry plants, crops, and food to bring back to the shabono. Girls typically start menstruation around the age of 1.

Due to the belief that menstrual blood is poisonous and dangerous, girls are kept hidden away in a small tent- like structure constructed of a screen of leaves. A deep hole is built in the structure over which girls squat, to . These structures are regarded as isolation screens.

While on confinement she has to whisper when speaking and she may only speak to close kin, such as siblings or parents, but never a male. When they approach the age of menstruation, they are sought out by males as potential wives. Puberty is not seen as a significant time period with male Yanomami children, but it is considered very important for females. After menstruating for the first time, the girls are expected to leave childhood and enter adulthood, and take on the responsibilities of a grown Yanomami woman. After a young girl gets her period, she is forbidden from showing her genitalia and must keep herself covered with a loincloth. Many local variations and dialects also exist, such that people from different villages cannot always understand each other. Many linguists consider the Yanomaman family to be a language isolate, unrelated to other South American indigenous languages.

The origins of the language are obscure. Violence. The Yanomami people have a history of acting violently not only towards other tribes, but towards one another.