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Major. Geeks. Com - Major. Geeks. Autorun Organizer manages startup items and autorun in order to speed boot up times and Windows performance. Viewer is designed to be a professional video player, interactive image viewer and much more.
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Easily copy new and updated files and folders in either or both directions. Microsoft Windows ISO Download Tool lets you download all versions of Microsoft 7, 8. Office 2. 00. 7 and 2. Microsoft's servers.
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Available for Android here. Alternate Textbrowser makes it easy to browse through text, html and xml files with syntax highlighting for several programming languages including C++, Pascal, PHP, Perl, ASM, JScript and more. Nox. Player is an Android emulator for your PC with convenient Google Play access. Font. View. OK creates an extremely easy to use visual overview of all installed fonts. Virus Cleaner - Antivirus provides all- in- one protection for your Android device - from app lock to Wi- Fi speed testing and everything in between.
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Kaspersky System Checker examines your system for any software vulnerabilities, malware, and viruses as well as providing hardware details. Video tutorial available.
No. Bot is a simple anti- spyware, anti- malware removal tool that targets bots, RATS, miners, keyloggers, and more. Hash. Tools quickly calculates CRC3.
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EMCO Malware Destroyer is a free personal antivirus tool that helps you to organize personal protection of your PC and perform regular fast malware scans. Tencent PC Manager offers a user- friendly all- in- one antivirus suite that boasts a large security cloud base for detecting and neutralizing viruses, spyware, malware, rootkits, and other threats to your machine. WYSIWYG Web Builder is a (What- You- See- Is- What- You- Get) program used for creating your own web pages. HTTP requests. A- Z Freeware Launcher Plus permits you to update various programs used daily in one simple to use interface and more. SMPlayer is a trimmed down media player that uses the playback engine of MPlayer and includes built- in codecs. Bit also available.
SMPlayer is a trimmed down media player that uses the playback engine of MPlayer and includes built- in codecs. Available for 3. 2- Bit. With TSR Watermark Image you can add digital watermarks to all your images, photos, and pictures with the transparency you choose. Origin for PC lets you play games, challenge friends, explore Origin games and stay connected to the gaming community. Mozilla Thunderbird is a free cross- platform email application that's easy to set up and customize - and it's loaded with great features! Mozilla Thunderbird Final also available. ALLPlayer is a popular program that allows you to watch movies with subtitles.
Phoenix OS is an Android based operating system that you can install on your hard drive or as a bootable DVD or thumb drive. Also available for 3.
Bit here. Phoenix OS is an Android based operating system that you can install on your hard drive or as a bootable DVD or thumb drive. Also available for 6. Bit here. Black. Belt Privacy Tor+WASTE+Vo. IP is an easy to use Tor client and server that includes WASTE and Vo. IP. Disk. Digger is a simple, straightforward, and easy to use data recovery utility. Lansweeper is an automated network discovery and asset management tool which scans all your computers and devices and displays them in an easily accessible web interface.
Keppy's Synthesizer is a MIDI driver for professional use. It is a fork of the original BASSMIDI Driver by Kode. ZHPLite is a companion app to ZHPDiag, it was designed to provide a diagnostic analysis of reports generated by ZHPDiag. Tweak. Power is an all- in- one tool to clean, backup, and optimize your computer as well as fix common problems. Video tutorial available.
HDCleaner is designed for complete cleaning of your Windows PC including registry and backup, encrypting data, splitting files, removing traces, and more. Reg. Cool is a is an Explorer- like search tool for editing information in your registry. One. Loupe is designed to view anything on the screen enlarged. Use it to view any fine details, even the small print in the I- Net. Let Sticky Password fill in website forms and passwords automatically to help you stay safe online. Stay safe online and save time by letting Sticky Password fill in website forms and passwords automatically.
Task Manager Free gives users a comprehensive set of tools to put them in full control of their computer. Torrent is one of the most popular torrent downloading programs based off of Bit. Torrent. It was designed to use minimal resources. Video tutorial available. Any. Desk provides a remote desktop designed for users wanting more than just the standard desktop sharing utility.
Patch My PC can check your system against the current version of Adobe Reader/Acrobat/Flash, Mozilla Firefox, and more. Video tutorial available. Vivaldi is a web browser from the founders of the original Opera Web Browser in 1. Wise Registry Cleaner scans the Windows registry and finds incorrect or obsolete information in the registry. This is one of many tools included in the Wise Care 3. EASEUS Partition Master Professional is an all- in- one drive partition solution and disk management utility. It allows you to extend partition, especially for system drive, settle low disk space problem, manage disk space easily.
Free version also available. EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition is a free all- in- one drive partition solution to solve all partition problems under hardware RAID, MBR & GPT disks, and removable devices in Windows systems. Advanced Uninstaller PRO will help remove numerous items from your machine including toolbars, obsolete programs, registry items, and more. K7 Offline Updater can update your K7 antivirus signature database without an active internet connection. SUPERAnti. Spyware Database Definitions allows you to update both versions of SUPERAnti. Spyware to the latest definitions.