Concept Lattices In Software Analysis Test
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Computer Science and Automation - IISc. Series: Ph. D. Thesis Defense. Title: Grobner Basis Algorithms for Polynomial Ideal. Theory over Noetherian Commutative Rings. Abstract. One of the fundamental problems in commutative algebra and algebraic.
Bbbk$, such as real or. An important algorithmic tool in this study is the notion.
Gr. Given a system of. These problems surface in many.
This extends the Macaulay- Buchberger basis theorem to. Noetherian commutative rings. The theory of border bases is handled as two. A. Ideals in such $mathbb. These structures are interesting since this means we can use the. In this thesis, we.
Gr. For the construction of hash functions, we define a. When $A$ is a field, the Krull dimension of. A. But this is not true in the case. Noetherian rings. For. $A$- algebras that have a free $A$- module representation w. We then proceed to. A$- algebras is equal to the.
Hilbert polynomial.