Enable Integrated Windows Authentication Group Policy Setting
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Overview The <extendedProtection> element specifies the settings that configure the extended protection for Windows authentication in IIS 7.5.
Implementing Windows Authentication for Oracle. As a matter of practice, the database server typically stores the passwords needed to access an Oracle database. Although this system is convenient for the DBA, relying on passwords kept on the database server has several disadvantages. For example, if you forget a password and need to reset it, the DBA must intervene.
Also, synchronization of Windows passwords and Oracle database passwords is strictly a manual process. In contrast, Microsoft SQL Server's integrated security feature lets you use Windows usernames and passwords to secure database access. With this approach, when users need to have their passwords reset, the SQL Server DBA can delegate this task to Help desk personnel. Many people don't realize that you can configure Oracle database servers to use OS authentication (aka external authentication in Oracle), which is similar to SQL Server's integrated authentication. Before you can use Windows authentication with Oracle, you need to have a thorough understanding of the security implications of doing so.
Because the implementation details for authorizing Oracle users logged on to the Oracle server are quite different from the details for authorizing Oracle users logged on to remote clients, I look at both scenarios in this article. Database Server Windows Group Authentication.
When you install Oracle on a Windows server, the system creates an ORA. The DBA can then add to the group other Windows users who need full Oracle DBA privileges. But be careful—Windows local and domain users within the ORA. As the Description property for the ORA. For Oracle. 9i and Oracle. ORACLE. The sqlnet.
Oracle server will be made. The NAMES. DIRECTORY. For example, when I type at the command linesqlplus /@test. SQL*Plus utility attempts to resolve the test.
NAMES. DIRECTORY. If the tnsnames. ora file doesn't contain the name, the client will attempt to resolve the name by using an Oracle Names server (Oracle now recommends using Lightweight Directory Access Protocol—LDAP—instead of Oracle Names servers). Finally, the client tries to resolve the name by using a host- name resolution method such as DNS or Network Information Service (NIS).
The SQLNET. AUTHENTICATION. By default, Oracle. Oracle. 8i enable Windows authentication by means of the following setting: SQLNET. AUTHENTICATION. Windows Server 2. Windows XP, and Windows 2. Kerberos authentication when the Oracle client machine is in a Windows 2. Win. 2K domain; otherwise, they use NTLM authentication.
The default setting of enforcing Windows authentication isn't compatible with applications that use standard Oracle authentication. And many third- party vendors have applications that use standard Oracle usernames and passwords to connect to Oracle. To support both Oracle and Windows authentication, you can change the authentication service parameter in the server's sqlnet. SQLNET. AUTHENTICATION. Kasam Ki Kasam Mp4 Video Song more. To detect any such failures, whenever you change the authentication service parameter, use SQL*Plus first to perform basic connectivity testing, then test your Oracle client applications.
Because the ORA. For example, if Windows authentication is enabled and I go to the command line and typeset oracle. The second command line specifies the authentication credentials.
- Last updated for Chrome 60. Both Chromium and Google Chrome support the same set of policies. Please note that this document may include policies that are targeted.
- Setting up IPSec connection between 2 points using local group policy, without the need of domain group policy. Implementing IPSec in Windows 2008.

Double quotes are required for SQL*Plus to interpret the entire connect string, including the spaces, as one command- line parameter. The syntax . Upon entering both commands on my Oracle client machine, the system returned the results that Figure 2 shows. Kingdom Of Seven Seals Rus Setup Wizard there. If an Oracle username and password are supplied to SQL*Plus when connecting as SYSDBA, SQL*Plus ignores them.
This action isn't a security breach because the Oracle server has authenticated the Windows credentials and not the Oracle credentials. Membership in the ORA. The SYSDBA role is equivalent to SQL Server's systems administrator (sa) role. If you want to get more granular, you can create separate groups of the general format ORA. For example, in the previous session, the SID is test. ORA. Then, any Windows users that you add to the ORA. If the groups don't exist, you can use the GUI to create them.
To access the GUI, from the Start button, navigate to All Programs, Oracle - Ora. Home. 92, Configuration and Migration Tools, Oracle Administration Assistant for Windows NT. To add a user to the ORA.
When the OS Database Operators dialog box appears, select the domain, select the user, click Add, then click OK. The system creates the ORA. As the Oracle. 9i Database Administrator's Guide explains, the REMOTE? This prudent approach of using least privilege can minimize the damage that might be caused if the DBA makes a mistake. For our example, let's assume that a Windows user named Win. User in the PENTON domain logged on to the Windows server hosting Oracle.
Notice that with a default installation, the same Windows user who connected as SYSDBA can't connect with lesser privileges. For example, if I typesqlplus /the system will return the results that Figure 4 shows. The reason for the failure is that the client is no longer attempting to connect to the Oracle database through membership in the ORA.
Consequently, the Windows user isn't automatically mapped to an Oracle role through Windows group membership and, therefore, the user isn't authorized in Oracle. Because we're not using group membership to authenticate the user, the actual Windows user, Win. User, is being passed to Oracle and needs Oracle authorization. Oracle will authorize a Windows user only when that user matches an Oracle user.
In our example, the user's Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) is PENTON\Win. User. For Oracle to authorize this Windows user in the Oracle database, we must create a PENTON\Win. User Oracle user. When a Windows user matches an Oracle user, the privileges granted to the Windows user are the same as the privileges granted to the Oracle user. The syntax for creating the Oracle user requires that the FQDN be in all uppercase and inside double quotes, as the example below shows. Using SQL*Plus or another favorite client tool, we can connect to the Oracle database with SYSDBA privileges and execute the following commands: create user . Early versions of Oracle used a prefix of OPS$, which you would append to the beginning of the Oracle username used in external authentication.
Because Oracle usernames are limited to 3. OPS$ prefix effectively limited the username to the remaining 2. To avoid using the OPS$ prefix, the Oracle database parameter file, the init. ORACLE. Oracle doesn't recommend adding a prefix, thus the default empty setting is as shown. For a change to the OS.
A similar technique is used to authenticate remote clients. Remote Client Windows Authentication. Windows clients that use Windows authentication to access a remote Oracle server on the network aren't actually authenticated by the OS on that server. Instead, the client OS authenticates these users. To enable remote authentication, add the following entry to the init. REMOTE. For example, imagine you have a valid Windows user in the PENTON domain named Win.
User, you create an Oracle user on the server by using the following syntax, and you enable remote authentication: create user . The attacker could create a local Windows user named Win. User on the rogue machine, which would authenticate as PENTON\Win. User. This user could then be passed to the Oracle server on the network as PENTON\Win. User. The Oracle server wouldn't be able to distinguish between the domain name of PENTON and the rogue machine name of PENTON, so the server would accept the remote authentication from the rogue machine. The Oracle server just sees that PENTON\Win.
User is the user, so it authorizes the user with all the privileges of PENTON\Win. User. If unsecured client machines can gain access to your network, then remote Windows authentication opens your database environment to unauthorized access.
A Familiar Model.