Galaxy Y S5360 Root Zip Download
Android Custom ROMs Downlaod, Official ROMs, Root Software (With Download Links)1. Root Samsung Galaxy S Duos S7. Samsung KIESb) Rooting file. Root Samsung Gravity Q using one click methoda) One- Click Root Toolb) Root Checker app.
How to find my model number? Need some help locating your model number? Select your product from the menus below and we’ll show you where your number is.
Root Samsung Galaxy Note 2- Beginners Guide: a) For N7. Model go HERE. b) For N7.
Model go HERE. c) SHV- E2. K Model go HERE. d) SHV- E2. L Model go HERE. e) SHV- E2.
S Model go HERE. f) SPH- L9. Model go HERE. g) SGH- I3. Model go HERE. h) SGH- I3.

M Model go HERE. i) SGH- T8. T- Mobile) Model go HERE. SCH- I6. 05 Model go HERE. Odin 3. 0. 7 and USB drivers. Update Samsung Galaxy S3 mini with kit kat 4. Kit. Kat 4. 4. 2 firmwareb) Gapps package.
Samsung Galaxy Young- GT S6. GT S6. 31. 2a) Framaroot APK6. Root Samsung Galaxy Y Duosa) Rooting fileb) Unrooting file. Root and Install CWM in Galaxy Ace Plus S7. Recoveryb) Odin. 3v. Superuser- 3. 1. 3- arm- signed. Root AT& T Samsung Galaxy Note 3 (SM- N9.
- If you’ve ever been in need of a tutorial on how to root a Samsung Android device from our site, you surely saw that we always tell gadget users to follow certain.
- If the flashing process is interrupted (e.g. Firmwares provided by are not.
Choose your download method Premium users profit from numerous advantages; For example the download starts instantly and with full speed! Free Download. Fiche technique Samsung Galaxy Y GT-S5360 Le Samsung Galaxy Y GT-5360, est un smartphone dédié aux jeunes (Y pour « young »). Ce modèle d’entrée de gamme ne. Download and learn how to use the latest Odin and Odin Multi Downloader.
In some ROMs, the Google Apps are included. These are usually stock ROMs, smaller or less-common ROMs, or those from areas where intellectual property laws. Here’s the Samsung Galaxy S3/S III GT-I9300 original stock ROM (unmodified firmware). These Galaxy S3 stock ROM were all original and unmodified pulled from Samsung.
The Samsung Galaxy Y S5360 is one of Samsung’s very popular entry-level Android handsets. When it was first released into the market, it originally came with. Lets check out how you can upgrade your Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 GT-I8160 to Official Android 4.1.2 XXMB2 Jelly Bean firmware. Disclaimer: Steps mentioned in the given.
A)a) Odin. Root Samsung Galaxy Fit S5. Update. 1. zip file. Root Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 running on Jelly Beana) Rooting Package. Update Samsung Galaxy Note 2 N7. Kit Kat 4. 4 firmware: a) Kit Kat 4.
Will update the link soon)1. Update Samsung Galaxy Nexus GSM with official ICS 4. CWM imageb) ICS 4. Android SDKd) fastboot- windowse) fastbot- mac.
Root Samsung Galaxy Pro B7. Gingerbread root file. Root Samsung Galaxy Fit Smartphonea) Superoneclick package. Root Samsung Galaxy S Advance (GT- I9. Root package. 16. Root Samsung Galaxy Chat GT- B5.
Unlock Tool b) Root Checker app. PMP light ROM: a) PMP Light ROM v. Update Packageb) Latest Update Package.
Kyle. Open Rom On Samsung Galaxy S Duos GT- S7. CWM Recoveryb) Kyle. Open Tools. 19. Root Samsung Galaxy S4 I9. On Jellybean 4. 3 XXUEMJ5 Firmwarea) Rooting Packageb) Odin.
Root Samsung Galaxy Ace 5. Smartphonea) Root Packageb) Root Checker app. Unroot Samsung Galaxy S3 I9. Stock firmwareb) Odin. Upgrade Samsung Galaxy S2 Plus I9. With Cyanogen. Mod 1. CM1. 0. 1 android 4.
ROMb) Google apps. Root Samsung Galaxy S2 Plus I9. Smartphonea) CWM Recoveryb) Odin filec) Superuser root package. Update Samsung Galaxy S Duos- S7. With Android 4. 2. Jellybeana) CM 1.
Gapps. zip. 25. Upgrade Samsung Galaxy S2 Plus I9. With Cyanogen. Mod 1. CM 1. 0. 1 android 4. ROMb)Gapps. 26. Root Samsung Galaxy S2 Plus I9. CWM Recoveryb) Odin file. Update Samsung Galaxy S Duos- S7. With Android 4. 2.
Jellybeana) CM 1. Zip fileb) Gapps. Update Samsung Galaxy Y GT- S5. With Co. D ROMa) Co. D custom ROM2. 9. Update Samsung Galaxy Y GT- S5.
Android ICS 4. 0. ICS ROM3. 0. Update Samsung Galaxy Y GT- S5. To Android 4. 1. 2 Jelly Bean Taste Custom ROM Firmwarea) Taste ROM Android 4. ROM3. 1. Root Samsung Galaxy Y GT- S5. Rooting Package. 32.
Root AT& T Galaxy S3 On Any Firmware Using One- Click Methoda) Root Package. Root Samsung Galaxy S- III I9. Smartphone By Using XXALE8 Firmwarea) Rooting Packageb) Odin. Manually Update Samsung Galaxy S4 GT I9.
XXUBMEA Jellybean 4. Firmwarea) Jellybean 4. XXUBMEA package (Will update link soon)b) Odin. Update Samsung Galaxy S I9. Smartphone With Android 4.
Jelly. Bean Firmwarea) Android 4. Jellybean firmwareb) Google apps package. Unroot Samsung Galaxy S I9. Official firmwareb) Odin. Root Samsung Galaxy S GT I9. Install CWM Recoverya) CF- Root for XXJVRb) CF- Root for XXJVSc) CF- Root for XXJVTd) CF- Root for XXJVZe) CF- Root for XXJVUf) CF- Root for XXJW4g) Odin file.
Root Samsung Galaxy S4 i. Samsung Galaxy S4 driverb) Odinc) Adam’s kerneld) Clockworkmod Recovery.
Unroot Samsung Galaxy Y GT- S5. Stock firmwareb) Odin file.
Update Samsung Galaxy S Duos 2 (S7. To Kit Kat 4. 4 Firmware. S7. 56. 2ODDBMF1.
HYD5. 2ROM. Tutorial To Flash Stock Firmware In Samsung Galaxy Core GT- i. Odin 3. 0. 74. 2.
How To Root Samsung Galaxy Note- 3 Exynos (SM- N9. Running On Android 4. Kit. Kata) Method 1: Odin PC version 3.
Link 1. Link 2. Link 3. CF auto root package file. How To Install TWRP Recovery On Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Odin PC version 3. Link 1. Link 2. Link 3.
Download TWRP Recovery: International Galaxy Note 3 SM- N9. Canadian Galaxy Note 3 SM- N9. W8. LTE Galaxy Note 3 SM- N9. Sprint Galaxy Note 3 SM- N9. PT- Mobile Galaxy Note 3 SM- N9. TMethod 2: TWRP recovery. Super. Su. zip file.
Tutorial to Root Samsung Galaxy Trend GT- S7. Smartphonea) Samsung KIESb) Root Master app. How To Root Samsung Galaxy S3 I9. On Android 4. 1. 2 Jelly Bean (XXELLA) Firmwarea) CF- Root- SGS3- v. Odin v. 1. 8. 54. Tutorial To Install XXUANB2 Android 4.
Official Firmware On Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 1. P5. 21. 0a) Android 4. P5. 21. 0XXUANB2b) Odin v. How To Root Samsung Galaxy Music GT- S6.
S6. 01. 0a) Moborobob) Shuame software. How To Root Samsung Galaxy S Duos Without PC/Laptopa) Rooting package. Detailed Guide Of Samsung Galaxy Grand Quattro (GT- I8.
Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom LTE SM- C1. A With C1. 05. AUBUANA1 Android 4.
Jelly. Beana) Android UBUANA1 firmwareb) Odin 3. How To Unroot Samsung Galaxy S2 Plus (GT- I9. Stock firmwareb) Odin. How To Root Samsung Galaxy Fame : a) Motochopper tool. How To Root Samsung Galaxy Star GT- S5.
Cydia Impactor tool. Tutorial To Root Samsung Galaxy Pocket Plus GT- S5. Odin 3. 0. 7b) Modified stock recoveryc) Update package.
How To Root Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini I8. On Android 4. 1. 2 Jelly Bean Firmware: a) CWMb) TWRPc) Super.
SUd) Odin 3. 0. 75. How To Root Samsung Galaxy S3 I9. On Android 4. 3 Jelly Bean Firmware: a) Chain. Fire Auto Rootb) Odin 3. USB Drivers. 56. How To Root Samsung Galaxy Star Duos (GT- S5. GT- S5. 28. 2): a) Root Packageb) Super.
SUc) Busy. Boxd) Root Checker. How To Root Samsung Galaxy S4 I9. Running on Android 4. XXUEMJ5 Jelly Bean Official Firmware: a) CF- Auto- Root b) Odin v.
How To Root Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7. Wi- Fi On Android 4. Firmware: a) Root package (prerooted. Odin v. 3. 0. 75. How To Root Samsung Galaxy S4 Running on Android 4.
Kit. Kat Update. Chainfire’s CF- Auto- Root package with Super. SU fix. How To Root Samsung Galaxy Core Plus (SM- G3. Kingo Android Rooting software. How To Root Samsung Galaxy Core Plus SM- G3. Method 1: a) CWM recoveryb) Odin. Method 2: a) Framaroot.
How To Root Samsung Note 2 GT- N7. Odinb) Rooting File. How to Root Verizon Samsung Galaxy S4a)Safe rootb)USB drivers. How To Root Galaxy Note n.
XLA1 To Android Jelly Bean. XXLSZ Firmware Packageb) Odin. How To Root GALAXY S4 Zoom (SM- C1. A)a) Root Packageb) Odin 3.
How to Root My Samsung Galaxy Tab. Lite (SM- T1. 11)a)Odin v. Super. Su. zip. 6. How To Root Samsung Galaxy Grand Quatroo Without PC. Frameroot in Apk. How To Root Samsung Galaxy Fame GT S6. Moto Chopper & Android genuine drivers.
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La)SHV- E1. 60. L driver. V Root app. 7. 1)How To Unbrick / Debrick A Hardbricked Samsung Galaxy S3a) win. AT& T I7. 47. How To Root Samsung Galaxy Note SHV- E1. L (New Method)a) v.
Rootb) Super. SU 7. How To Update Samsung Galaxy Y Duos With Android 4. Kit. Kat ROM. a)Kitkat. Duos ROM file. 74)Root Samsung Galaxy Core Plus SM- G3.
Pac. Man ROM for Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime. Pre Requisites. Screenshots. Downloads. Tutorial- -- Dirty Flash Tutorial- -- Clean Flash Tutorial. Find More ROMs for Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime. So here is a post for a guide to flash a Pac.
Man ROM onto the Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime. Here you will see that how you can step by step install or flash a rom on your device.
Like you should be knowing and having a basic knowledge about android rooting, recoveries, and also in general a bit about roms. Of course you are going to install one on your device. But before please note, that this tutorial is only for Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime, and any other device would brick if you flash the same rom on it (Downloaded from this post). ROM is a general interface that runs over the android source code, and acts as an interface between the main source code and the user. It is not an operating system, but more like a skin that is over the android. Generally the roms that come along pre- installed on your device are known as Stock ROMs, and since they have so many unwanted app known as Bloatware, they are very slow and lag too much So if you have an old device, and you are already fed up from it's performance, you can always root your device and change the stock rom with a custom rom and increase the speed and the performance and also add many features to your phone that weren't present before.
It is pretty easy to use. Just open and Verify Root. Also you need to install a compatible recovery on the device, a cwm or a twrp. You can do that by links given below, at the end of this section.
Since you are flashing a new rom, it would also wipe of the data on the device, so make sure that you have a proper backup of the device before you begin. Download the ROM files, and place it to the SD card partition of the phone. Charge the device to at least 7.
Screenshots for Pac. Man ROM. There are No More Screenshots Available at the time. Note that it has been locked and so as to get your access, you need to do as mentioned on the locker box below.
Only use dirty flash if you are using an older version of the rom that you are going to flash or a similar rom based on it. But in case it is your first time, and you were on stock rom before, then you got to use clear flash. WE recommend that you use clean flash, instead of dirty flash. But again, clean flash will wipe the data, so I hope you ave backed it up already.
That's it. So this is how you dirty flash Pac. Man ROM on Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime, so now let us see how to clean flash a ROM. Follow the instructions that are give below to do so. So Just Download Root Checker Pro App and Install.
It is pretty easy to use. Just open and Verify Root. Find More ROMS for Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime By Clicking here. Telecharger Torrent 24 Heures Chrono Saison 2 Narcos there. So this was a short post that helped you out to flash Pac. Man ROM on Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime.
Needless to say, if you face any error, ask us out in the comment section, or go to the original thread, by clicking on the Source link and Contact The Developer(Carlos Arriaga) of the ROM.