The Whispers Of The Fallen Wiki

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Fallen Angels . Your actions have brought shame on the Primarch and on the Unforgiven. Your suffering shall be but a beginning to your penance and your screams shall be the harbinger of your contrition. The final climatic battle between Primarch. Lion El'Jonson and the Arch- Betrayer Luther resulted in the destruction of the Dark Angels' home world of Caliban when it was engulfed by a Warp Storm of titanic proportions. The Grand Masters of the nascent Inner Circle swore that so long as even one of the Fallen remained alive and unrepentant, the Dark Angels would be . So began the secret mission that would prove the driving force behind the Dark Angels' actions for millennia to come. The Fallen are the secret enemy of the Unforgiven - the present- day Dark Angels and their Successor Chapters who relentlessly pursue their ancient foes.

To outsiders, this is an insurmountable quest, for the Dark Angels Chapter hides its secrets well, masking all activities in a shroud of ritual and clandestine operations. Indeed, even amongst their own Chapter, only the Company Masters and most distinguished veterans - - the self- styled Inner Circle - - are privy to the truth. The origins of the Fallen began in the dying days of the Great Crusade in the late 3. Fear Itself Season 1. Millennium. Sar Luther was once an acclaimed knight of a monastic brotherhood of techno- medieval knights known simply as The Order, who discovered the young and wild Primarch Lion El'Jonson living in the forests upon the Death World of Caliban.

Luther was a remarkable man, perhaps more so even than most people gave him credit for. He possessed phenomenal talent in a number of fields, not least as a leader, a warrior and a huntsman. With the exception of Lion El'Jonson, Luther had completed more quests against the Great Beasts than any other man in Caliban's history. He was a tireless champion of the people of Caliban, marked out as much by his inner qualities of humour and cool thoughtfulness in times of crisis as he was by the valour of his deeds. It had been Luther’s tragedy to be born in the same era as a man against whom all his endeavours would be judged and forever found wanting in comparison.

From the day he had encountered Jonson in the deep forest of his world and decided to bring him to civilisation, Luther had sounded the death- knell of his own legend. From that point on, he had been condemned to live in the Lion’s shadow. To some of his brother knights, this spoke even more highly of Luther that his affection for the Lion seemed genuine and unforced. Many a man in his situation might have been tempted to succumb to jealousy and begun to resent Jonson's achievements.

Whispers In The Dark is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Astrid informs the. Millie is a small, short-furred light gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes and a torn ear. Requirements The first quest Awakening Bonds: The First Steps requires: To start the Quest you.

Not Luther, for he was not of that ilk. In the tenth and final year of Jonson’s genocidal campaign against the Great Beasts, nearly all the beasts had been killed. Only a few stragglers remained in the less hospitable and more thinly populated regions of the planet. As word of The Order's victories spread throughout the planet, their ranks swelled with willing recruits.

Soon other knightly orders aligned themselves with The Order, until they had become the single- most powerful monastic order on all of Caliban. There was only one exception - - the Knights of Lupus. After evidence came to light that the Knights of Lupus had actually been protecting the Great Beasts in their portion of Caliban, The Order had little choice and moved to destroy that wayward order. Amidst the celebrations and honours bestowed, a shadow fell upon the heart of Luther as he watched the Lion revel in the honours heaped upon him for this latest victory.

Although Luther did not openly begrudge Jonson these great honours, he still felt a twinge of jealousy. The first crack had appeared in Luther's psyche, a crack that would one day become a great schism that would tear the Dark Angels Legion asunder.

Shortly after their entry into the Great Crusade the 4th Expeditionary Fleet of the newly renamed Dark Angels Legion reached the orbit of the planet Sarosh, which had formerly been commanded by an officer of the White Scars Legion. The Saroshi - - ruled by a massive bureaucracy - - had expressed their interest in peacefully becoming part of the Imperium after they made first contact with the servants of the Emperor, and the Imperials were eager to allow them in, believing that these people seemed to possess the same secular beliefs as expressed in the Imperial Truth. But in truth the Saroshi secretly worshipped daemonic Chaos entities they called the Melachim, and saw the anti- religious stance of the Imperial Truth as a malevolent evil that threatened their way of life and deepest beliefs. Unknown to the Dark Angels, the Saroshi had secreted a nuclear device aboard the primitive shuttle they had used to reach orbit, intending to assassinate the fleet's entire command structure, including Jonson; however, Luther and a junior Librarian named Zahariel managed to eject the shuttle into space, causing only minor damage to the flagship from its ignited engines. After this incident, Luther, Zahariel and five hundred other Dark Angels were sent back to Caliban in disgrace as punishment for allowing an enemy to get a nuclear device aboard the Primarch's flagship. In truth, Luther had been aware of the device's existence and had been tempted to allow it to explode so that the Lion might be killed and he could take the Primarch's place as the greatest of Caliban's warriors, a destiny that had been denied him by the Lion's arrival on that world decades before. Only at the last moment had Luther, ashamed of his temptation, recanted and aided Zahariel in getting the shuttle off of the flagship.

But the incident would break the trust that had once existed between Luther and the Lion. Luther and his new garrison command were ordered to oversee the recruitment of new Space Marines into the I Legion from the Calibanite population. The Lion declared that experienced warriors were needed at home to speed up the training process, and a list of names was drawn up and circulated throughout the fleet. Though supposedly accorded a great honour, Luther felt he and his Astartes had been exiled by the man he had raised as his own son. The departure of Luther and the rest had been sudden, almost businesslike, and at the time it had been assumed that they would be back with the fleet before long. But five decades had passed, and Jonson had never spoken of them again – he no longer even read the regular despatches from Caliban, relegating that task to members of his staff.

Luther and the rest seemed to have been entirely banished from the Primarch's mind, and as the years lengthened into decades, rumour and speculation had begun to circulate through the ranks. Caliban's once extensive forests dwindled, replaced by mines, refineries and industrial sprawls. Huge arcologies rose like man- made mountains across the landscape as the planet’s population swelled.

Civilization spread across the globe, and the ranks of the I Legion increased as Luther found ways to reduce the training cycle for new Dark Angels Astartes from eight Terran years to only two. Meanwhile, reports of Jonson's exploits made their way back to Caliban, swelling Calibanite hearts with pride as the Dark Angels marched from one victory to the next. The members of the training cadre admired each and every token sent back by their Battle- Brothers of the Expeditionary Fleets and made comradely boasts of how they would exceed them all when Jonson summoned them back to the fighting.

Jonson had never returned to Caliban; two planned visits had been cancelled at the last moment, citing new orders from the Emperor or unexpected developments in the current campaign. With each passing year, Luther's promise to the cadre in the castle courtyard sounded increasingly hollow, but not a warrior among them faulted him for it. If anything, their loyalty to Luther had increased during their exile.

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