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Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration Guide, Release 7. Chapter 1. 2 - Configuring Radio Resource Management . Poser 7 Poser 7 Bone.

However, you can modify the controller’s RRM configuration parameters at any time through either the GUI or the CLI. NoteYou can configure these parameters on controllers that are part of an RF group or on controllers that are not part of an RF group.

NoteThe RRM parameters should be set to the same values on every controller in an RF group. The RF group leader can change as a result of controller reboots or depending on which radios hear each other.

If the RRM parameters are not identical for all RF group members, varying results can occur when the group leader changes. Using the GUI to Configure RRMUsing the controller GUI, you can configure the following RRM parameters: RF group mode, transmit power control, dynamic channel assignment, coverage hole detection, profile thresholds, monitoring channels, and monitor intervals. Using the GUI to Configure RF Group Mode. To configure RF group mode using the controller GUI, follow these steps. Step 1Choose Wireless > 8. RRM > RF Grouping to open the 8. RRM > RF Grouping page (see Figure 1.

Step 2Select the. RF group, or unselect it to disable this feature. If you enable this feature, the controller automatically forms an RF group with other controllers, and the group dynamically elects a leader to optimize RMM parameter settings for the the group. If you disable it, the controller does not participate in automatic RF grouping; instead it optimizes the access points connected directly to it. You can override RRM settings without disabling automatic RF group participation. See the “Overriding RRM” section for instructions.

When using a Configuration Manager OSD Task Sequence to deploy Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2012 R2 to a server (VM) that contains disks that are not local. Recent Posts. Automatic Deployment Rules – Download Failed – System Center 2012 Configuration Manager; Fixed: Location Based Reminders Not Available in iOS 5.

Step 3Click Apply to commit your changes. Step 4Click Save Configuration to save your changes. This is the default value.

However, the controller updates the power, if necessary, only when you click Invoke Power Update Now. NoteThe controller does not evaluate and update the transmit power immediately after you click Invoke Power Update Now. It waits for the next 6.

  1. Cisco IOS (originally Internetwork Operating System) is a family of software used on most Cisco Systems routers and current Cisco network switches.
  2. Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration Guide, Release Chapter Title. Chapter 12 - Configuring Radio Resource Management. PDF - Complete.

This value is not configurable. The power level is set to the fixed value chosen from the drop- down list. Change Taskbar Color Windows 7 on this page. NoteThe transmit power level is assigned an integer value instead of a value in m. W or d. Bm. The integer corresponds to a power level that varies depending on the regulatory domain in which the access points are deployed. See Choose Custom for the Assignment Method under Tx Power Level Assignment and choose a transmit power level from the drop- down list to assign a transmit power level to the access point radio.

See the “Disabling Dynamic Channel and Power Assignment Globally for a Controller” section for instructions if you need to disable the controller’s dynamic channel and power settings. Step 3Enter the maximum and minimum power level assignment values in the Maximum Power Level Assignment and Minimum Power Level Assignment text boxes. The range for the Maximum Power Level Assignment is - 1.

Bm. The range for the Minimum Power Level Assignment is - 1. Bm. Step 4In the Power Threshold text box, enter the cutoff signal level used by RRM when determining whether to reduce an access point’s power.

The default value for this parameter is –7. Bm but can be changed when access points are transmitting at higher (or lower) than desired power levels. The range for this parameter is –8. Bm. Increasing this value (between –6.

Configuration Manager Available Software Updates Failed Code

Bm) causes the access points to operate at higher transmit power rates. Decreasing the value has the opposite effect. In applications with a dense population of access points, it may be useful to decrease the threshold to –8. Bm to reduce the number of BSSIDs (access points) and beacons seen by the wireless clients. Some wireless clients might have difficulty processing a large number of BSSIDs or a high beacon rate and might exhibit problematic behavior with the default threshold.

This page also shows the following nonconfigurable transmit power level parameter settings: Power Neighbor Count—The minimum number of neighbors an access point must have for the transmit power control algorithm to run. Power Assignment Leader—The MAC address of the RF group leader, which is responsible for power level assignment. Last Power Level Assignment—The last time RRM evaluated the current transmit power level assignments.

Step 5Click. to commit your changes. Step 6Click. Save Configuration. This feature improves the way that Qo. S interacts with the RRM scan defer feature.

You can use a client's WMM UP marking to configure the access point to defer off- channel scanning for a configurable period of time if it receives a packet marked UP. Off- Channel Scanning Defer is essential to the operation of RRM, which gathers information about alternate channel choices such as noise and interference. Additionally, Off- Channel Scanning Defer is responsible for rogue detection. Devices that need to defer Off- Channel Scanning Defer should use the same WLAN as often as possible. If there are many of these devices (and the possibility exists that Off- Channel Defer scanning could be completely disabled by the use of this feature), you should implement an alternative to local AP Off- Channel Scanning Defer, such as monitor access points, or other access points in the same location that do not have this WLAN assigned.

Assignment of a Qo. S policy (bronze, silver, gold, and platinum) to a WLAN affects how packets are marked on the downlink connection from the access point regardless of how they were received on the uplink from the client. UP=1,2 is the lowest priority, and UP=0,3 is the next higher priority. The marking results of each Qo.

S policy are as follows: Bronze marks all downlink traffic to UP= 1. Silver marks all downlink traffic to UP= 0.

Gold marks all downlink traffic to UP=4. Platinum marks all downlink traffic to UP=6. Using the GUI to Configure Off- Channel Scanning Defer for a WLANTo configure Off- Channel Scanning Defer for a WLAN using the controller, follow these steps. WLANs page. Step 2Click the ID number of the WLAN to which you want to configure off- channel scanning Defer. Step 3Choose the Advanced tab from the WLANs > Edit page. Step 4From the Off Channel Scanning Defer section, set the.

Scan Defer Priority. Step 5Set the time in milliseconds in the Scan Defer Time text box. Valid values are 1. The default value is 1. Step 6Click. to save your configuration. This setting should match the requirements of the equipment on your wireless LAN.

You can also configure this feature on the controller GUI by selecting WLANs, and either edit an existing WLAN or create a new one. However, it is possible that automatic power control will not be able to resolve some scenarios in which an adequate RF design was not possible to implement due to architectural restrictions or site restrictions—for example, when all access points must be mounted in a central hallway, placing the access points close together, but requiring coverage out to the edge of the building. In these scenarios, you can configure maximum and minimum transmit power limits to override TPC recommendations.

The maximum and minimum TPC power settings only apply to access points attached to a controller from which they are configured; it is not a global RRM command. The default settings essentially disable this feature, and you should use care when overriding TPC recommendations.

To set the Maximum Power Level Assignment and Minimum Power Level Assignment text boxes, enter the maximum and minimum transmit power used by RRM on the Tx Power Control page. The range for these parameters is - 1. BM. The minimum value cannot be greater than the maximum value; the maximum value cannot be less than the minimum value. If you configure a maximum transmit power, RRM does not allow any access point attached to the controller to exceed this transmit power level (whether the power is set by RRM TPC or by coverage hole detection).

For example, if you configure a maximum transmit power of 1.